As you can imagine, there are tons of questions people have about Medicare.  Below is a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions we receive regarding Medicare.  This FAQ list is always evolving as we add more questions nearly every single day.

Feel free to browse and don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you have a question that is not listed below.

Is Medicare Plan G better than Plan F?

Medicare Plan G is extremely similar to Plan F with the exception of the coverage of the Medicare Part B deductible.

Other than that one difference, the two plans are identical.

Which is better?

In many cases there is a significant savings in monthly premium in the Plan G even when you are paying the part B deductible which makes it a very competitive alternative to Plan F.

Is Medicare Plan F being discontinued?


Medicare Plan F is set to go away in 2020.  This doesn’t mean that those currently using a Plan F will lose their coverage, it simply means it will not be available for purchase.

All plans will not cover the Part B deductible after 2020, which is why Plan F is going away, it’s the last type of Medicare supplement the currently covers the Medicare Part B deductible.

What does Medicare Plan F cover?

Medicare Supplement Plan F is a fully comprehensive plan that covers the following:

  • Medicare Part A deductible
  • Medicare Part B excess charges
  • Part A hospital and coinsurance costs up to an additional 356 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part B coinsurance or copayment
  • First three pints of blood used in an approved medical procedure (annually)
  • Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) coinsurance
  • Foreign travel emergency medical care (80% up to plan limits)

What is Medicare Supplement Part G?

This is incorrect, what you should be searching is “What is Medicare Supplement Plan G”.

Medicare has 4 parts:

  1. Medicare Part A: Hospital
  2. Medicare Part B: Medical
  3. Medicare Part C: Medicare Advantage
  4. Medicare Part D: Prescription Drugs

Plan G is a type of Medicare Supplement (Medigap plan) that people purchase to offset the costs associated with original Medicare.  This is why it’s called a supplement.

Plan G is a great choice for Medicare Supplement.

What is the difference between Medicare Plan F and G?

The difference between Medicare Plan F and Medicare Plan G is the Part B deductible.

Plan F covers the Part B deductible and Plan G does not.  Plan F is set to go away in 2020 and at that point, there will not be any type of Medicare Supplements sold that cover the Part B deductible.

Is Medicare Plan F being phased out?

Yes, Medicare Plan F will phase out in 2020.  If you’re currently on a plan F, you will not lose your coverage.

How much does it cost for Medicare Part F?

Medicare Plan F costs vary based on your age, state, and company you’re choosing.

The average cost of a Medicare Supplement Plan F for a 65 year old is roughly $160 per month.

How much does Medicare supplement plan g cost?

Medicare Plan G costs vary based on your age, state, and company you’re choosing.

The average cost of a Medicare Supplement Plan G for a 65 year old is roughly $160 per month.

Is Medicare Plan F going away?

Yes, 2020 is the year that the Medicare Supplement Plan F will be removed from the market.  If you’re currently on a Plan F you can keep your coverage.

Does Medicare Plan F cover dental?

No, the Plan F does not have dental benefits.  If you’re interested in dental benefits you must consider enrolling in a third party supplement dental insurance plan.

What does Medicare supplement Plan G cover?

Plan G covers the following benefits not covered by original Medicare:

  • Medicare Part A hospital coinsurance and all costs up to 365 days after Original Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • Part A deductible
  • Medicare Part B preventive care coinsurance coverage
  • Part B coinsurance or copayment coverage
  • Part B excess charges
  • First three pints of blood for a medical procedure, if the hospital has to buy blood
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) care coinsurance coverage
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage (always see your plan limits to confirm)

What Medicare plan covers dental and vision?

Medicare Advantage plans often offer additional benefits such as dental and vision.  However, not all Medicare Advantage plans offer dental and vision.

You should consult with your existing plan to see if they include additional dental and vision benefits.

Medicare supplements do not include dental or vision benefits.

What does plan G pay for?

  • Medicare Part Ahospital coinsurance and all costs up to 365 days after Original Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • Part A deductible
  • Medicare Part Bpreventive care coinsurance coverage
  • Part B coinsurance or copayment coverage
  • Part B excess charges
  • First three pints of blood
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) care coinsurance coverage
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage (always check plan limits)

What is the average monthly cost of a Medicare supplement plan?

What is Medicare Part D coverage?

What will Medicare cost in 2019?

Will there be an increase in Medicare premiums in 2019?


The monthly premium for Medicare Part B will be $135.50 in 2019 which is an increase of $1.50 from 2018.  The annual deductible for Medicare Part B beneficiaries will increase by $2.00 from $183 in 2018 to $185 in 2019.

You need to verify your income as that can have an impact in the cost of your Part B premiums.

How much does Medicare Part A cost?

Medicare Part A is most commonly paid for through 40 quarters of Medicare taxes.  For those that paid Medicare taxes for 40 or more quarters will not have a premium for Medicare Part A.

According to CMS, if you worked less than 30 quarters, you’re Medicare Part A premium will be $437 in 2019.  If you work between 30 and 39 quarters, your premium in 2019 is $240.

How much is the Medicare Part A deductible in 2019?

Unlike the Medicare Part B deductible which is annual, the Medicare Part A deductible is per each benefit period.  In 2019, the Medicare Part A deductible for each benefit period is $1,364.

How much does Medicare Part C cost in 2019?

Medicare Part C is known as Medicare Advantage and the premiums vary by plan and regional location.  Many Medicare Part C plans often have zero premium, but you need to verify each eligibility for each plan in your area.

Is Medicare Free at Age 65?

According to the health and human services department, you are eligible for premium-free Part A if you are age 65 or older and you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years.

You can get Part A at age 65 without having to pay premiums if: You are receiving retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board.

If you worked less than the required time, you are subject to additional premiums.

How much should Medicare cost?

If you worked and paid Medicare taxes for 10 or more years, than you should expect review the following types of programs.

  • Medicare Part B – $135.50
  • Medicare Part A – No Cost (covered through 10 or more years of taxes)
  • Medicare Supplement or Medigap Premiums – Range varies, but you can expect to spend around $150 per month
  • Medicare part D plan – Plans vary, but many Part D plans can be found for around $30 per month
  • Medicare Part C – These plans are all different and many have zero premium.  You should always shop the various plans in your area to determine which plan makes sense for you.

How much does Medicare cost for a married couple?

Costs for Medicare for married couples depends on a number of factors.

  1. Your household income
  2. How many years you paid into social security taxes
  3. Type of Medigap Plan (Medicare Supplement) you choose
  4. Type of Part D (prescriptions) plan you choose
  5. Type of Medicare Advantage plan you choose
  6. Type of dental or vision plan you choose (not required and not included in Original Medicare)

How do I pay for Medicare?

Medicare Part B premiums are deducted directly from your social security check before you receive you funds each month.  If you do not want premiums to be deducted from your social security check, you can request to directly pay Medicare.

Does Medicare cover spouses?

This is a common misconception many people have.  Medicare does not automatically cover a spouse when you become eligible.  Your Medicare eligibility is unrelated to your spouse.

Medicare does not offer family coverage either.

In order to get Medicare, you must be either 65 or older, disabled for 24 months or longer, or have end stage renal disease.

Can my wife get Medicare at age 62?

Maybe, but not likely.

The only way individuals under the age of 65 can get Medicare is by receiving disability for 24 months or longer.  If your wife or spouse is 62 and not disabled, they are not eligible for Medicare.

What does Medicare A and B cover?

In general, Medicare Part A covers your hospital expenses after deductibles and coinsurance and Medicare Part B covers your doctors expenses after deductibles and coinsurance.

What Medical equipment does Medicare cover?

Medical equipement covered by Medicare is referred to as Durable Medical Equipment (DME), which is a type of equipment that is considered reuseable.  For example, 4 point canes or walkers are considered durable medical equipment and often covered by Medicare.  There are some other types of equipment that are covered when deemed medically necessary by your physician.

Does Medicare cover preventative genetic cancer screening for breast cancer?


In March of 2019, medicare approved the CGX cancer screening tests which includes testing for the commonly known BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation commonly associated with breast cancer.

In order to qualify to have this test covered, you must prove it’s medically necessary.  Eligibility is based on personal history of cancer or two or more family members having personal history of cancer.  The test is completed through a siimple cheek swab and processed by a Medicare approved lab company.

Does Medicare cover hearing aids?


Medicare does not cover the cost of hearing aids.  Some plans such as Medicare Advantage may offer benefits not covered by original Medicare.  Always check your plan benefits to determine if there is any type of hearing aid benefit.

Does Medicare cover hearing tests?


under Medicare Part B, you can receive diagnostic and balance tests if it’s deemed medically necessary by your doctor.

Costs will be 20% of the Medicare approved amount for the services rendered by your doctor for this type of covered exam.  You will also be subject to your deductible depending on the type of plan you have.

Does Medicare cover Dental?


Dental is not covered by original Medicare.  You are encouraged to either shop the various Medicare Advantage plans that may offer additional dental benefits or shop third party companies offering dental insurance.

Does Medicare cover eye exams?

Yes, in certain situations.

Medicare will cover preventive and diagnostic eye exams for the following conditions.

  • Glaucoma tests
  • Macular dgeneration
  • Eye exams for those with diabetes.

Does Medicare cover cataract surgery?


Cataracts are common in the senior population and if your doctor deems it medically necessary, Medicare will cover cataract surgery.

Check you plan benefits to determine the costs you may be responsible for such as coinsurance and deductibles.

Does Medicare cover chiropractic?

Yes, sometimes.

Depending on the type of care you require, Medicare may cover chiropractic services.  You’ll likely be responsible for other expenses such as lab tests or x-rays.

Services you can expect to be covered by Medicare would be correcting a subluxation which is adjusting the spine.

As always, you should always check your plan benefits to ensure you are verifying what types of chiropractic services are covered by Medicare.

Does Medicare cover the Shingles vaccine?

No, traditional Medicare Parts A or B do not cover singles vaccines.

Your Medicare Part D benefits will often cover the shingles shot and other available vaccines.  Make sure and check your plan benefits to determine your out of pocket costs.

Does Medicare cover Hospice?

Yes, if you qualify.

According to CMS, hospice benefits will be covered if you meet the following criteria.

  • You have been certified as terminally ill by your doctor which is defined as having 6 months or less to live.
  • You have signed a statement choosing hospice care instead of alternative treatment covered by Medicare for terminal illnesses.
  • You accept palliative care to provide comfort instead of treatment to attempt to cure your illness.

Does Medicare cover dentures?


Original Medicare does not cover dentures.

Some Medicare Advantage plans may offer additional benefits that include dentures, but you need to verify with each plan if denture benefits are available.

Does Medicare cover the flu shot?


Medicare Part B will cover one flu shot per year and you will not have any out of pocket costs.

Does Medicare cover home care?

In some cases, Medicare will pay for a home care aide assuming you require skilled care (skilled nursing or therapy services).

Home health aides provide personal care to help with activities of daily living which include bathing, toileting, and dressing. Medicare will not pay for an aide if you only require personal care and do not need skilled care.

Does Medicare cover assisted living?

Assisted living is usually not covered by Medicare due to assisted living services being considered custodial.  This is often confused with skilled nursing which is covered in some cases by Medicare Part A.  Before making any decisions, make sure you call your assisted living provider to determine the services they have and coverage they accept.  Many cases you’ll need to consult a benefits specialist to determine your eligibility.